A quick one today. Apparently photographers can be on Youtube as well. So I took the time to compile a slideshow in Powerpoint of my best work to date and convert it to a MP4 file. It seems rather simple but for some reason it never is when I attempt these exercises. I won’t bore you with the details apart from that I was at last able this morning to upload the file to Youtube.
I’m not overly excited by Authorstream‘s conversion quality of the photos. Blurry photos does defeat the purpose of the exercise but I guess the point here is visibility. It very much reminds me of recording music in an expensive studio with an expensive engineer, spending lots of money to get the best mix and spending even more money to get the best possible master. All this effort then only for it to be listened to on a crappy smart phone speaker.
Anyway, if you know of a couple getting married soon please be so kind as to share this with them. I’d be much obliged.